
Please allow this initial blog entry to serve as an introduction to my work, an assorted palate of interior and exterior wall and floor finishes, textures, floor cloths, mosaics and space planning. For the past 25 years I have been working on motion picture sets. A set carpenter in my first 10 years, I began to dress interiors with faux finishes and enhance exteriors with rich textures. In short, my job has been to fool the camera into thinking a collection of canvas and plaster is really something substantial, elegant and valuable.

While honing my craft, I began to get requests from designers and family friends asking if I could do something unique in their own spaces. I thought, “Why not share what I know with private clients and designers?” I still take an occasional film job, and that keeps me in close contact with some of the best designing minds and their amazing ideas.  My last film credit was as a scene painter on the biopic 42. Great work, but I am happiest practicing my craft with designers and private clients.

If you’re a homeowner or commercial property owner, please look at my website for ideas to transform your current space.

If you’re a designer, please consider how my talents may enhance what you can already offer your clients.

Two imaginations are better than one, so please feel free to peruse the website.  If you’d like to set up a time to meet with me, email me here at artafix with a number that I can reach you at and I’ll be in contact with you shortly.

Creatively Yours ~ Caara